Philip S. Peek
Associate Professor, Ancient Greek, Latin, Classical Cultures; Bowling Green State University
Of late my energies have focused on the historian Herodotus. I recently published a textual commentary on book five of his Histories (U of O Press, 2018). The commentary offers readers, among other things, narratological parsing that enables them to see the dialectic Herodotus creates with the various audiences of his text. This February I presented a conference paper on Herodotus and Greek identity at the Historical Fictions conference in Manchester. This May I will be presenting a paper, “Herodotus’ Margins,” at the International Conference on Narrative in Pamplona, Spain. I enjoy researching, translating, and writing about all things ancient Greek.

Translations and Books
by Philip S. Peek
Ancient Greek and Classical Culture Courses
Ancient Greek, Elementary Level
Learn the basics of reading and translating ancient Greek.
Ancient Greek, Intermediate Level
Learn how to read and translate original ancient Greek texts.
Classical Mythology
Learn how to interpret ancient and modern myths, movies, and narratives of all types.
Great Greek Minds
Participate in a 2,700 year dialectic, by reading and interpreting the great works of the ancient Greeks.
Published Work
Herodotus, Histories, Book V Text, Commentary, and Vocabulary
PS Peek, University of Oklahoma Press, 2018
"Cephalus' Incredible Narration: Metamorphoses 7, 661-865"
PS Peek
Latomus 63 (Fasc. 3), 605-614, 2004
"Procne, Philomela, Tereus in Ovid's Metamorphoses: A Narratological Approach"
PS Peek
Antichthon 37, 32-51, 2003
"Propriety, Impropriety, and the Gaining of Kleos in the Phaiakian Episode"
PS Peek
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 43 (4), 309-339, 2003
"Feeding Aurelius' Hunger: Catullus 21"
PS Peek
Acta Classica: Proceedings of the Classical Assoc. of South Africa 45, 2002
"Black Humour in Ovid's Metamorphoses"
PS Peek
Ramus 30 (2), 128-151, 2001
"Spartan and Argive Motivation in Thucydides 5.22. 2"
PS Peek
American Journal of Philology 118 (3), 363-370, 1997
The poetics of Thucydides' excursus on stasis: III. 82-84.
PS Peek, 1996
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